Monday, September 1, 2008

The Five Strategies of the Virtues Project

The five strategies of the Virtues Project help us to live more authentic, purposeful, conscious lives, encourage the development of character, in ourselves and others and support a culture of respect in our homes, schools, workplaces and communities.

1.  Speak the language of the virtues.  Language has the power to discourage or inspire.  To demoralize or empower.  Using the language of the virtues when speaking with others, both in acknowledging the qualities we see in them as well as asking them to practice those qualities in relation to us, is uplifting to each of us.

2. Recognize teachable moments.  Recognizing that life is a workshop, not an art gallery and that as spiritual beings having a human experience, there is always something more to learn and more room to grow.  Recognizing the virtues needed in daily challenges  and putting them into practice helps us to become life long learners and stronger and more resilient people.

3.  Set clear boundaries.   When we set boundaries with others, we are not only respecting ourselves, we are respecting them.  Boundaries keep us safe and help us to have more fulfilling, enriching relationships with less conflict and contention.  Setting boundaries based on respect and restorative justice creates and upholds a climate of respect, peace, cooperation and safety in our homes, schools, workplaces and communities.

4.  Honour the spirit.  Bringing virtues to life in practical ways in our daily interactions, activities, celebrations and artistic pursuits helps us sustain our vision and purpose while honouring the dignity of every person. 

5.  Offer spiritual companioning.  Being deeply present and listening with compassionate curiosity guides others to find clarity and to create their own solutions.  It supports healing and growth.  Being deeply present to ourselves as we seek clarity is one of the greatest gifts we can give ourselves.

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