Monday, June 1, 2009

Voume 10 - Simplicity

Volume 10 – Simplicity


“Simplicity is being content with the basic gifts of life.  We live reflectively and mindfully, aware of what is important and what is not.  We cherish those we love.”  Linda Kavelin Popov

 For most of my life, I’ve been drawn to simplicity.

An potluck dinner  with friends, followed by an evening playing Pictionary, or charades or music.  An  afternoon in the garden, weeding, planting or harvesting.  Filling my mind with new ideas through the magic of the written word in books and articles.  A movie that moves me.  A walk by the ocean or in the forest.   Recently I’ve been enjoying the simple pleasure of sitting on my deck and enjoying the beautiful view of the ocean below my home.   Basking in the warm, sun soaked Pacific coast weather,  watching the sailboats in Chemainus Bay, I almost feel like I’m in Italy or Greece.


 A phone conversation with a treasured friend, or an ongoing email conversation with same are among the things that nurture and sustain me.  My morning yoga practice.  These are the things that ‘float my boat’ as they say.


When I was home-schooling my two youngest children we spent many an hour at the beach below our house.  We’d pack up lunches, snacks and drinks, hats, blankets, books  and shovels and down we’d go.  Our imaginations and the natural beauty of the place kept us busy for hours on end.


It was a cool place to spend hot summer afternoons and we often met some interesting people.  (and it cost absolutely nothing)


Yesterday, I spent the afternoon with one of my closest friends, touring local gardens.  We stopped by the ocean, sitting on the beach in the sand to enjoy a delicious picnic and great conversation.


I’ve been blessed to have more time for these simple pleasures and I’m looking forward to spending time in my studio this summer, creating beauty from found objects as I explore a new interest, mosaic.


Simplicity ‘frees our minds from the stress of overdoing.  We appreciate the little things, daily joys, and opportunities to be kind.  We live in the moment and savor what is right before our eyes.  We enjoy simply being.” LKP


Many of us have become more human doings that human beings.  For some of us it crept up on us, unawares, until we realized our lives were no longer sustainable.

We may have seen the signs, but perhaps we ignored them, pushing on further, keeping on keeping on.  If we continue to live complex lives that are not sustainable over the long haul, something’s got to give.  It may be our relationships, our sense of well being, and if we ignore the signs for too long, our health will be affected.



All of us have been affected by the global economic situation in some way.  All of us have been affected economically, even if we are still gainfully employed.  Stuff costs more.  We might be more aware that things  are changing (and when you think about it, at a deep level, I’m sure you’ll agree they must change)  Our earth and our survival as a species depends on it.  A shift, a transformation is upon us.  And many are rethinking what they need to be happy, to feel successful. 


Many people are talking about creating something Eckart Tolle named, “A New Earth.”


Whether we are actively trying to create this, or passively watching to see how it plays out, we are co creating right this minute and every minute a new earth.  


As we look towards its unfoldment, gestating in this ‘in between time’, let us strive to embrace the virtue of simplicity, whenever and wherever we can.


~ Kate

 The Practice of Simplicity

I am satisfied with what I have.

I know what I care about.

I clear my life of clutter and excess.

I am true to my purpose.

I appreciate the little things.

I enjoy living.

I am thankful for the gift of Simplicity.  It allows me to appreciate what really matters.

Reflection Questions

What simple things bring me joy?

What do I care about?

What do I need to let go of to simplify my life?

What is my true purpose?







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