Saturday, August 1, 2009

Volume 12 - Initiative

Geothe penned, "Whatever you can do, or dream you can, begin it.  Boldness has genius, power, and magic in it."

Tonight, I saw those words manifested.

My seventeen year old son, an artist/musician/singer/songwriter,  idealist, lover of nature and humanity, philosopher in training, was playing a short set at a local bistro's open mic.

I wasn't sure what time he was on, and didn't want to miss him, so I rolled in there about 7:30, only to find, after ordering my iced latte that he wasn't on for almost two hours.

And so I  sat and listened to some wonderful folks sing and play their hearts out. And I was moved.  What  I witnessed (and was moved by) I recognized as  the virtue of initiative lived out loud.

Linda Kavelin Popov, co-founder of the Virtues Project tm, tells us, "Initiative is originality and creativity in action."  She goes on to tell us, that when we practice initiative, "we boldly express new ideas" and "discover a new method, or find a different way to solve a problem."

"We use our creativity to bring something new into the world.  With initiative, we dare to be original."

This is a card I chose recently, during my morning 'virtues pick'....I took it as a confirmation of a new venture in working with people that I am collaborating on with someone else.  

And tonight, sitting there in the Dancing Bean Coffee shop, listening to those incredibly talented young and not so young people, sing and play their original songs, I was awed by their initiative.

The young girl, who confidently belted out "I am not a piece of meat", an original song she called a feminist rant.  She 'sang' her message, with heart and soul,(and a good dose of 'playfulness') and brought shivers to everyone in the house.

The young adult, (my neighbor) who's fingers flew like lightening on an instrumental that should have earned him a far greater reward that our applause might  ever offer.  And on who's face it could clearly be seen, the playing was the reward and we were gifted with a little glimpse.  I spoke to his father on my way out.  He told me that his son just ran with guitar, after the initial six months of balking at practice.  Hours and hours of 'playing' every free moment he could.  

 My own son, who to me, exemplifies the virtue of initiative is a unique explorer that walks to a different drum.  His own.  Would that it could be so for the rest of us.  How would the world be changed if we all,  'lived out loud' and shared our ideas and talents for the common good.

He got up to the mic, joined by his father on djembe and a fellow musician, invited at the last minute to play violin.  And he played and sang from his heart, making it up as he went along,  holding each of us, riveted to our seats.  His second offering, was the most unique plea for the community to do something for the youth (our international treasure) that I have ever seen.

A song/rap playful rant of common sense that warmed and called and amazed those of us lucky enough to witness it.  Almost entirely improv.

An act of initiative, heretofore unseen.  Hmmm.  What  messages, initiatives await to be born, from my heart?  From yours?

And how can we nurture them.  This question has been on my heart this summer.  

I almost didn't write this month. (and don't plan to labor for hours over how this sounds or how well it's crafted)   I'm taking a little sabbatical.  Time for gestating.  Working on the inner growth that will result in outer manifestation.  Floating in the ocean.  Napping.  Pottering  in the garden.   Writing in my journal.  Playing.  Hanging with my friends, and my kids and my grandchildren.

  Pondering, on - among other things - Rumi's wisdom.  "You are the truth from foot to brow.  Now what else would you like to know?"  

Hearing those musicians last night, knowing the years and hours they spent, 'playing' with their craft, listening to their inner wisdom, and allowing it to flow, encouraged me to keep on listening to my own.   

See you in September. 


~ Kate

The Practice of Initiative

I have the courage to be original.

I solve problems creatively.

I see challenges as opportunities.

I am confident in initiating untried ideas.

I engage in tasks with enthusiasm.

I am a pioneer.

Reflection questions

What truth within me is waiting to be born?

How can I live my life out loud?

What does my heart call me to?

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