Friday, May 15, 2015

Volume 54 - Consideration

In consideration of the fact that I haven't written a blog in almost 21 months, I thought it was time.

Funnily enough I posted about Consideration on FB today, so this will be largely a rehash.

I am in 'catch up' mode at my house.  My office looks like a very disorderly person inhabits it.  My virtues job (okay business, OKAY calling) has been sorely neglected the last few years that I have held office and concurrently gone through the huge transition of losing two fathers, one partner,  two dear friends,  some family sickness and the empty nest.  Whew, makes me tired just to type it.

Being a municipal Councillor can eat up as much time as you have...rewarding and valuable, sometimes agonizing and sometimes, even fun...

As I was dunging out my office today I spotted a deck of Virtues cards at the end of a book case that sits on my desk.  One card was sticking out.  It really spoke to me, so decided to post on FB and now write this blog.

"Consideration is giving careful thought to the needs of others.  It is also holding a decision in a contemplative and thoughtful way.  We mindfully consider what will result from our choices before we act.  We speak with gentleness and tact.  We care about others and their feelings.  We carefully observe their preferences and needs, then do things to give them ease or bring them joy.  Consideration shines in small daily acts that add to the happiness of others.  It is one of the most meaningful ways to show love.  Considerate people give the very best gifts."  Linda Kavelin Popov

My recent few weeks have given me many opportunities to practice consideration.  For the most part I have been considerate, though I have found other's behaviour and decisions confusing and frustrating.
A few times I have fallen from the mark, but once or twice I actually caught myself and got back on track.  I have been fortunate to witness consideration practiced by many dear people as I have moved through the past few months.

May we all be more considerate of one another.  May we all be more considerate of ourselves.  This human journey is fraught with tests and challenges and those daily acts of kindness, towards us and others really make a difference.   I am grateful for the consideration that has been shown to me these past two years, , by my friends, colleagues, neighbours and family.  May I be worthy of being called 'considerate'.  Blessings to all on this May long weekend.  (at least it is a long weekend in Canada)

I note I did not promise when I would blog again 21 months ago, and I will be considerate to each of you and myself by not doing so again.  I hope it's sooner though.  It's kind of fun.

The Practice of Consideration

I think about what others need.

I am thoughtful of their feelings.

I speak gently and tactfully.

I hold decisions with care and discernment.

I take joy in bringing joy to others.

I show my love in thoughtful acts.

I am thankful for the gift of Consideration.  It allows me to brighten others' lives.

Reflection Questions

What decisions do I need to hold with care and discernment?

How can I be more considerate?

Who needs my consideration?

What thoughtful ways can I show my love?

A few folks have been asking me if I would put on a workshop, they are needing a refresher.  If you are interested, drop me an email at katemarsh@shaw. ca.  I am thinking fall.

May all of your days be full of consideration,

~ Kate

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